Monday, May 25, 2009

Re-Cap: A Week to Remember

So I guess I have had quite an eventful week.

You have heard some of it already. Here is what has not been posted :) *note: not in order...

- Practiced Frisbee with Robin at a Drum Circle (and taught a few local kids the mechanics...)
- Went to Harper's Ferry (the Appalachian trail!) and hiked on an absolutely beautiful day
- Went to the Zoo (WAY too many kids there...) but saw a gorrilla fight and almost got peed on by an orangutan
- Cooked an enjoyable meal for Robin and Jerry (apparently they weren't poisoned, but it was also followed by an incredible rhubarb pie thanks to Robin)
- Finished planting the Garden (it looks gorgeous, pictures soon to follow)
- Went to the AWESOME farmer's market at U and 14th (Goose Eggs, homemade brie, apple butter, and amazing produce)
- Did some preparation for BSC fall environmental activities...
- Went to the Sculpture Garden, heard Jazz and met a bunch of new  and IMPORTANT people
- Meditated with new friends
- Walked/played with two very adorable dogs (belonging to Robin's roommate, thanks Michelle)
- Meditated some more
- Had some interesting phone conversations
- watched some basketball
- laundry (now)

Basically, this week has been so eventful that it will put the next 10 weeks to shame--not really. I understand that being so active and out-and-about isn't exactly physically or economically practical, so I must tone it down a bit and live within my means (thanks Jerry and Robin). 
I am, however, extremely grateful for the people that I have met. People, between the ages of 22 and 30, easy to talk to and open-minded, working in my dream jobs. I could not imagine a better scenario (I seem to be repeating myself). It is so fascinating to hear their perspectives in conversations about climate change, co2 trading, carbon sequestration, etc. because THEY are the people producing these important reports! It's them! Anyways, I am excited for my 3rd day of work tomorrow, and look forward to a much less eventful week :)

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